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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How to use Matlab in Windows 7?

The most common problem for tech-guys on upgrading the operating system is being unable to use Matlab.Same experienced same problem while switching from Windows Vista to Windows 7.I am using Matlab 2007a. First problem I encountered was while installing the Matlab.I tried to to start installation process but there was no response after license information widow.After changing Windows 7 background to classical theme I was able to install Matlab in Compatibility mode.But when I tried to run it I got full page of error information.After lot of brainstorming and web-research I found the easy way to install and use Matlab in Windows 7.

Step 1: Installation
To install
Matlab 2007 on windows 7
1-Change Windows 7 Theme to the classic one (windows classic)
2-now the
Matlab install will work correctly

Step 2:

To use
Matlab with other windows 7 themes you have to change java used by matlab .

1- download JRE 1.5.0_19 or JRE 1.5.0_20 java version and install it.

2- go to C:\Program Files\
MATLAB \R2007a\sys\java\jre\win32 you will find a file named jer1.5.0_07 rename it to Original_jre1.5.0_07
3- go to C:\Program Files\Java you will find file named JRE 1.5.0_19 or JRE 1.5.0_20 , copy it to C:\Program
MATLAB \R2007a\sys\java\jre\win32 and rename it to jre1.5.0_07

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